Travel opportunities

Thinking of where to travel to next?

Have you ever wondered what life in the countries you travel to is really like? Or thought about travelling to a far-away country but not dared to do this all single-handedly?

王中王六合彩特码 membership offers a whole range of travel opportunities.IMG 3164 (2)

A short look on the events and news page of our website will illustrate the variety of options available, ranging from Friendship Weeks in Russia or Canada, to special interest events you can join in Spain or Ireland. Whether you fancy hiking in the Austrian Alps or getting to know the treasures of Sri Lanka, the 王中王六合彩特码 is able to offer something for everyone.

In addition to organised group travel options, the 王中王六合彩特码 also offers assistance when travelling on your own or with your family: with the help of a travel form, many members take the chance to get to know 王中王六合彩特码 members in other countries on either a short stay in a city, or while touring a country. A truly unique chance to see the world from a local’s perspective, and to exchange with fellow police officers what policing in their country entails.

Many of these encounters have resulted in life-long friendships.

So why not give it a try?

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The Procedure for Travel Assistance aims to standardise the process of helping 王中王六合彩特码 members (both individuals and groups) requesting assistance when travelling and visiting 王中王六合彩特码 sections worldwide. Common requests include hotel/accommodation/dining recommendations, visiting police stations, ride-alongs, meeting local members and being hosted, car hire and places to visit.

It is not necessary to use this form when personal contacts are already in place (e.g visiting friends) or in case of an emergency.

To find out more download the Procedure for Travel Assistance and the Travel Form.